ECOgarden News
- Published 05/05/16, by Louise Swift
Meteors and ECOteam gardening sessions
On Wednesday this week, the ECOteam had a whole afternoon digging, weeding and planting. We planted spring onions and lettuce seeds, and earthed up our potatoes. Meteors then continued with more weeding and planting groovy purple beans.Read More - Published 27/04/16, by Louise Swift
- Published 29/02/16, by Louise Swift
- Published 29/02/16, by Louise Swift
Last season, our ECOgarden provided us with with french beans, salad leaves, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and cavalo nero (dark Kale). Some of these were delivered to the school kitchen to make into our school dinners, and some were nibbled by eager little people who couldnt wait that long!!Read More