School Uniform
We encourage all children to wear a school uniform; this helps us all to feel part of the school community. The uniform is as follows:
Generic and school branded uniforms are acceptable.
All sizes of school branded jumpers etc. are available from:
Bridge School Wear 4-6 Scar Lane, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield, Tel:01484 655940 |
Natasha’s |
My Clothing Limited |
School Trends Visit Website |
PE Kit
In the interest of health, comfort and safety, we require a change of clothing for PE.
Navy or Black Shorts
White Shirt
Joggers for outdoors and trainers or pumps
Pumps and trainers should always be available for PE.
For Health and Safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are one pair of plain ear-ring studs in pierced ears, jewellery of a religious nature and a watch.
Stud ear-rings should be removed, or recently pierced ears should be taped over with a plaster (provided by parents) for PE and swimming and watches removed to prevent them causing injury. Religious items such as the Kara should be covered with a sweat band during PE lessons, which need to be provided by parents.
Note: staff do not put ear studs, etc. back in if the child cannot manage it.
Hairstyles should be reasonable and appropriate for being in a learning environment at school. Extreme hairstyles would include shaved patterns in the scalp, Mohicans and unnaturally coloured dyes. Such hairstyles are not acceptable at school. All children are required to have their hair tied back, if long enough, for PE, DT and Cookery lessons.
Make-up is not acceptable under any circumstances, including nail varnish. Fake tattoos are not appropriate at school and must be removed.